Here is Thai's Family Tree to his Great Great Grandparents. He too has a few Champions in his tree which are shown in Bold.



Cheeky Chappie


Madenwood Jack Daniels

Langbarn Tripple Tripple

Langbarne Secret Boozer

Tyegarth Glenmorangie of Jenroy

Langbarn Dark Secret

Happy Returns of Winuwuk

Winuwuk Mirays Red Baron

Peepeejays King's Rhapsody

Mandenwood Petite Etoile

Carinya Rye 'N' Dry

Tyegarth Glenmorangie of Jenroy

Change Key of Gremlin

Maindenwood Marishka

Die Fledermaus of Mindenwood

Serendipity of Mindenwood

Langbarn Helga

Maindenwood Dirty Harry

Die Fledermaus of Mindenwood

Arko of Lypine

Mindenwood Birthday Girl

Serendipity of Mindenwood

Tyegarth Glenmorangie of Jenroy

Burnguard Burlesque

Langbarn Full of Spirit

Marbelton Drunken Duncan

Marbelton Dressed to Kill

Wanderobo Hurley Burley of Marbelton

Langbarn Happy Hour

Langbarn Secret Boozer

Happy Returns of Winuwuk